Thursday, June 15, 2006

What else but silence
Curious tilt and scowl
Noting lithe limb and silken skin
Mild morphing under luna light
On random nights
Music breeching through the tethered trees
A slithering
Soft deep massage upon my weary stance
Whats this?
Attending angels to the whims of heart?
Imagined kindness
There upon my brow?
What now
The nature of the lifting tried and true
Mer e counterpoint to earthly treasures
Who knew
Natural as the morph from birth to death
A single breath
Remains within the metaphor
Of paths to doors
Linear prisms seen now through
Long holographic hours
Korrigans in trees
And me upon my knees
At Monsalvat
Waiting on the unicorn
And again


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sure is a fancy painting, what ever could it mean?

12:38 AM  

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