Saturday, July 08, 2006

The RainbowD.H. Lawrence
She turned, and saw a great white moon looking at her over the hill. And her breast opened to it, she was cleaved like a transparent jewel to its light. She stood filled with the full moon, offering herself. Her two breasts opened to make way for it, her body opened wide like a quivering anemone, a soft, dilated invitation touched by the moon. She wanted the moon to fill in to her, she wanted more, more communion with the moon, consummation....She stood for some moments out in the overwhelming luminosity of the moon. She seemed a beam of gleaming power. She was afraid of what she was.

moonlight ribbon on the darkened sea
new path to unknown shores of sand n rock
for now imaginings
alone prevail
leanings on the rail of ancient dreams
a ship
that trips and glides the silken waves
of longing for the new
crisp winds!
the words must now be spoken
close to each companion’s ear
where breath felt syllables
scent of skin
n minting rush of knowing
leans within a gentle reach
but never breeched
for want of steady stride
aloft this vessel
sails to keep the momentum
toward the never port
treasured cargo
seeding nations
riding both tempest and calm
for the pure joy of it all
veils of the
southern cross to
northern peacocks tail
curtains of color
announcing the magnet and the chain
full circle found
through mobius mortal
thought to be extinct
steady as she goes
creating wake
with the force of air
willing captive to the golden mean
full sail for countless final voyages
not empty
not cistern
instrument of the muses
not pawn of the fates
forming the world we thrust our hearts toward
to the countries of the summer skies


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I sometimes envy those that read the tales and reminisce their internal workings over the years. I have been scorned for never growing up. And that could well be precisely the truth. That literal place of the imaginal has never let its grip lessen in the least over the years. Although ,to notice , one would have to look in times of the unseen. Perhaps a certain indulgence …perhaps a fearce attachment to something tried and true.
Some would call it faith..I call it gnosis only because that is the only word close to my understanding of the process.
The metaphors are truer than the form when breeching prisms of the mind.. And still they remain Prime numbers in this vision. The only difference, that I have acquired over the years, is an ability to adapt. Is that what we all do?
I have figured out that the whole form is based on memory. The shelves of memory take on both the dream and the not dream….without prejudice. Alphabetizing them in the same library shelves ….and once retrieved in future times, is selected only to use in even more different forms…all of it.
There are laws of this realm as well as there are laws in other places of ventures and explorations. And to violate these laws removes your rites to passage. So for that reason all are kept in clear action /creation/discernment, appropriate to the moment and effective for the dance.
I wonder if this is a form of controlled schizophrenia. Hmmm even more interesting.
Perhaps my lounging /musing over this very thing is the same thing as I spoke of at the first.
That is, reflections on the internal makings of our creative natures and their sourceand much more our reflections of our reflectionsJ
Finding the boundaries where nothing is left to be said just starts the chatter all over.
MAN! I LOVE this place!!!!
because I was explanation:

… the Word without attachment, experiencing the real in the presence of the now.
Aneurisko is a fortunate treasure, friend, and cohort in mischief and laughter. We explore and expand our insights and explorations of the Work through the Beloved… allowing the various forms to manna feast through the logos/word .

aneurisko: I love, love, bake chickens
tea_and_pi: try them with the cumin and red pepper
tea_and_pi: the hot kind
aneurisko: mental note*
tea_and_pi: and the sweet
tea_and_pi: a lot like Indian
aneurisko: I know nothing of Indian spice
tea_and_pi: cumin sutra
aneurisko: unless we speak Karma Sutra
aneurisko: I know the spice of Desire, well
tea_and_pi: delightful
aneurisko: taste my tongue, Lover
tea_and_pi: in the light of within
aneurisko: breathe my deep admiration
tea_and_pi: in sleepy trance of silent eyes
aneurisko: I dream your nearness
tea_and_pi: pools of fathoms
aneurisko: skies of eternal wandering
tea_and_pi: deeper than all we hold in time
aneurisko: broader than worlds men can guess
tea_and_pi: where only light
aneurisko: or light of heart aspires
tea_and_pi: beacons to the bed of stars
aneurisko: and welcomes every wanderer
aneurisko: Homecoming
tea_and_pi: embraces for the lonely souls
aneurisko: or memory of every hope
aneurisko: silent knowing
aneurisko: ever wishing, waking for the gnown
tea_and_pi: breath to breath
aneurisko: heart to Heart
aneurisko: deep unnnnto deep
tea_and_pi: whole for the space of the diamond heart
tea_and_pi: my hand your hand
aneurisko: ever reflected, more sure than any vagrant thing
aneurisko: solid substance
aneurisko: sustenance
tea_and_pi: sweet ambrosia
aneurisko: efflorescence of the Kind
aneurisko: come closer
tea_and_pi: pressed matter for the realm of worlds yet to be seen
aneurisko: present Child, Miracle in the face of men
tea_and_pi: wholly human w holy light
tea_and_pi: embraced in dark
aneurisko: wholly, wholly, wholly
tea_and_pi: blend and hold the space of a kiss
aneurisko: accepting and patient of every worth
tea_and_pi: creations wave
tea_and_pi: in dreams
aneurisko: the motion of honest Desire
tea_and_pi: tsunamis of the heart
tea_and_pi: the motion of honest Desire
aneurisko: or whisper of our secret hopes
aneurisko: ...
tea_and_pi: ...
aneurisko: Self contemplative
aneurisko: awesome worth
tea_and_pi: an endless birth
tea_and_pi: fruit of the all
aneurisko: more humbly known and born
aneurisko: than orphans or widows
aneurisko: more common than grass
aneurisko: more bold than the Sun
tea_and_pi: within the depths of soil moist for the seed
aneurisko: we are
aneurisko: ready for the Light
tea_and_pi: deep within the night
aneurisko: latent, potentiality
tea_and_pi: .....i rest within the arms of down
tea_and_pi: wings of eagles
aneurisko: ....i plumb within the arms of Cedars
tea_and_pi: arched for flight
aneurisko: branch of ages
aneurisko: Arch of Might
tea_and_pi: songs of air through the branches
aneurisko: forms of light upon the Aeons
tea_and_pi: shade for the chirplings seeking shelter
aneurisko: strength of prospect for the seeker
tea_and_pi: wing and limb upon the stage of time
aneurisko: arm and torgue of might upon the rage of crimes
aneurisko: Virtue
tea_and_pi: worthy
aneurisko: we are, perhaps
tea_and_pi: worthy in the warmth of sun mere shards from being
aneurisko: more than we know or confess
tea_and_pi: dream with me in the host of dreams beneath the season of new
aneurisko: I find Zero
aneurisko: then revolve the Course of every Thing
aneurisko: Eye of the Hurrah Cain
aneurisko: I AM rest
aneurisko: We ARE ALL
aneurisko: ...
tea_and_pi: ...
aneurisko: Alpha/Omega
tea_and_pi: draw in to the center in rest in breathing before the wave
aneurisko: breathe
tea_and_pi: i am your breath
aneurisko: beware the sudden heartbeat rhythms
aneurisko: breathe deep, and trust
aneurisko: rest to breathe
tea_and_pi: in the sleep of mortal that we are
tea_and_pi: we rest

Monday, July 03, 2006

When poet Donald Hall met with sculptor Henry Moore, he dared to ask if Moore believed that there was a secret to life. The response astonishes: "The secret of life," Moore answered without flinching, "is to have a task, something you devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for your whole life. And the most important thing is - it must be something you cannot possibly do."

Soror mystica

Conceiving of a form
That’s greater than the self
Extended tangent to the metaphor of life
The dance
For in the image left to self but holds the motionless

The force of spiral dynamics creates
Kether to Malkuth
Malkuth to Kether
Lovers in the round
And all the paths that lead
To fruition
The frail stem
Blue apples on a single tree
Fruit of the vine