Monday, August 07, 2006

blurs of sand and loosened limb
fare well within the cyclic rise of Eden
that is
fare well as doom and drum
the residue of change and tide
that bore
the vessel worn and mossed
upon the banks of Dunbar
active elements of all we see

the Sea
rise She up the haunches to the shore
and shamelessly display
the barnacles and wounds
from storms of misdirections
compassed by confusion
fused and sent to silent solace by the Muse
massive starbird best
to clumsy verge of rest
the Vessel sleeps

i've seen the Hammer of the Gods
a blatant bully of the Light
and watched the children scatter to the winds
seeding vast expanse at any cost
fair gold exchanged
the lining all across the
seam of ridges
in the deep

St. Branden gnos
the vision
on other sides and from above
its talons reach into her waves
and form a bedding
for the wounded whales or dolphins
all across the sand

such talons of the sandy shore
once more carress its fortunate captive
staring at Her eyes in sleep
knowing that
the vessel's dreams are but
the visions of labyrinths

and there
aside this massive form
beside the dream
... a child
with but a paper cup
building yet another castle
for the coming dream of Unicorns


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