Monday, January 09, 2006


all former selves that went before
both lend and drink the tears
that carry groan
and tear a heart asunder

this fierce determination
told in rhyme
a battle that
our grace is lent
how gifts are spent
is for the gods to know
sometimes they show
in dreams

how is it that
the hammer of the gods
is sown within our flesh

is this the rage of endless generations
as i see in dreams
or something of this generation
that you lay witness to
if the hero
once again
should venture to the hearth of self
or venture to the garden of the soul
such strange reflections of such things
not now
or ever in the mind of man
or woman
rests and waits
n talks of templed floors
and distant shores
and so much more
… the threshold of the heart
so rather than be once again
a pesky hound of god/goddess
rather that is shown the realm
of want or need
can never once exceed
the gifts at hand
for this we pray the words of
distant horizons
other times and spaces
ports of wonder


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