Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the forbearers of swift arcanas
count them all past 3 2 5
what lays within our present past to claim
willful and kept unkempt
blow them all
a fearce wind
purple and bold
you lie
you flounder
you are the me in thee
not one nor 2
in frantic
calls i shout
one honest soul
release and show the tole we pay
and save the day
how can i show the gods a worthy man
just one
to find the world in grains of sand
and pithy verbage
clogs the pipes of being
all we wait for is a song
just one mere
birdie singing
and from these breasts of Geia
you finally see the struggle of the emerging slime
the base of being
the tendrils of the prime potential
anger is the first reward
not bliss
an impetus to step the path
with tremers under foot
change .... the scream of birthing
emerging is the blood and brine
what beauty from her loins have
spent and paid from our bliss
you too have seen and known
the relentless urge of creation
the mountains of momentum
no easy task for the faint of heart
or the needy
well up
from all your primal being
ladle to culdron
stirring tubers and spice
within the vessel
set upon the fire
few press to change
without the hold of present past
few knights of valour
raise excaliber toward the suns and
form the land
the land and we are one


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